413.527.1100 abby@clearisct.net

Even people with acne may need a moisturizer but often are afraid to use one. Drying out your skin will not help your acne-it can actually make it worse. This is because your skin will try to compensate and produce more oil which can cause more clogging of the pore. If your skin is very oily, you may just need a hydration product( which adds water), like Face Reality’s Hydrabalance. If your skin is not so oily, you probably need a moisturizer as well, like Face Reality’s Clearderma or Cran-Peptide Cream. Using the correct hydration/moisturizing product can make a huge difference in keeping your skin balanced, clearing up redness and making it more comfortable!


Providing acne treatments and skin care to people living in Easthampton, Northampton, Southampton and the rest of the Pioneer Valley! Please call 413-527-1100 to schedule an appointment.