Clear Intentions Skin Care Acne & Facial Skin Care Sat, 18 Jan 2025 20:02:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 214554701 Winter Weather and your Skin Sat, 18 Jan 2025 20:02:17 +0000

The cold, dry air in winter can certainly cause havoc with the skin. This can make it difficult to use your active products consistently as they are often drying. Dehydrated skin can actually stimulate increased oil production as it tries to compensate for lack of moisture. This oil buildup, combined with dead skin cells, clogs follicles and creates an environment ripe for breakouts. Compounding the issue, dry flaky skin can make it difficult for acne-fighting ingredients to penetrate. So, if you are acne prone, it’s very important not to skimp on moisturizers-and yes, that includes oil. However, the ingredients must be acne safe.  With a few adjustments in your skin routine-such as the addition of a hydrating cleanser and toner, you can continue your journey to clear skin. Face Reality has just what you need to keep you skin comfortable through the harsh winter weather!

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Not Holiday Cheer! How High Glycemic Foods Can Worsen Acne Breakouts Sat, 14 Dec 2024 21:25:37 +0000

The Holiday’s are here and that means more available sugary treats. Unfortunately, high glycemic foods cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. In response, the body releases insulin to manage the higher glucose load. What can happen with a higher insulin level as also  an increase in the androgen levels. Androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. When too much oil is produced, it can lead to clogged pores and more chance for the acne causing bacteria to flourish. So, more breakouts. Try to keep this in mind when surrounded by all the tempting goodies!


Providing acne treatments and skin care to people living in Easthampton, Southampton, Northampton and the rest of the Pioneer Valley! Call 413-527-1100 for an appointment.

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The Importance of Acne Treatments Sat, 07 Dec 2024 22:07:22 +0000

Acneic skin is inflamed, clogged, wounded, lacks oxygen and has excess bacteria. Sounds hopeless but it really isn’t. For sure it needs some TLC!. My corrective treatments help to decrease cellular buildup, oxygenate cells, reduce bacteria and inflammation and promote healing. 6-8 biweekly treatments, supported by the synergestic Face Reality home care regimen, will yield the best results. Also, progress checks done at your biweekly treatment make certain you are on the correct path toward clear skin.

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What’s the 2nd Most Difficult Part of your Clear Skin Journey? Sat, 23 Nov 2024 21:38:37 +0000

Home care compliance! It’s not really that hard, but if you are not up to doing a 7 minute skin care routine, twice a day, you will chronically breakout. Doing your home care is very important to acheiving and maintaining clear skin.  Consistency is key to success as it is with many things in life!

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What’s the Most Difficult Part of your Clear Skin Journey? Sat, 23 Nov 2024 21:23:14 +0000

Having patience! Why? Because this is not an overnight process. Acne lesions you see on the surface could have started to form up to 3 months prior to when they become visible. There will be breakouts during the clearing process but his doesn’t mean the program isn’t working. Your Face Reality products will keep new acne lesions from forming. The old lesions will be extracted as they surface during your biweekly treatments. This is why it takes a minimum of 3 to 4 months to achieve clear skin. For those with noninflamed acne, it can take 6+ months to clear.

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Acne Triggers (Part 3) Sat, 09 Nov 2024 22:03:53 +0000

What are some of the clues hormones may be triggering your breakouts? The location is one thing. Acne along your chin and jawline can be related to homones as there are actually more hormone receptors in these areas. If your acne happens once a month, or gets worse 7-10 days before your period, you guessed it-that’s your hormones. Also, painful and tender acne nodules that start out red and last for about 2 weeks are usually hormonally related. This all being said, it’s important to remember while fluctuating hormones may be triggering your acne, they are not the root cause of it.


Providing acne facial treatments and clearing the skin of people living in Easthampton, Southampton, Northampton and surronding areas! Call 413-527-1100 for an appointment!

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Acne Triggers (Part 2) Thu, 17 Oct 2024 19:23:42 +0000

Can stress make you breakout? For some people, it may. When we’re over stressed, the adrenal glands produce extra androgen hormones which can trigger oil glands to produce more oil. This process can make acne worse. Yet another reason why it’s so important to find a healthy way to manage stress!

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Acne Triggers Sat, 12 Oct 2024 18:56:21 +0000

Can certain things trigger acne? For sure. First, it’s important to remember acne is almost always a genetic condition in which dead skin cells buildup excessively inside the pore. However, there are triggers which can make things worse. These triggers may create bodily inflammation which lead to noticeable breakouts. Hormones may be one of these. Hormone fluctuations don’t just occur during puberty, but throughout life. Acne is associated with elevated levels of testosterone and decreased levels of estrogen. Keep in mind what might be a trigger for one person may not be for another. Stay tuned for more on the subject.

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Choosing the Proper Cleanser (Part 4) Fri, 11 Oct 2024 16:53:00 +0000

So what’s a person to do? Make an appointment to see me! Face Reality makes 7 different cleansers-one is just right for your skin type and the time of year. Skin needs typically change when the weather turns cooler. I will help you pick the right formulation to keep your skin comfortable and happy!


Providing acne treatments and clearing the skin of people living in Easthampton, Northampton, Southampton and the surrounding areas! Call 413-527-1100 for an appointment.

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Choosing the Proper Cleanser (Part 3) Thu, 10 Oct 2024 20:47:50 +0000

To scrub or not to scrub? Remember, acne is NOT a dirt problem! If you have inflamed acne, you should not use a scrub. Scrub cleansers contain exfoliating granules which are much too harsh if your acne is inflamed. They are best for thicker, rough-textured skin to help loosen cell buildup on the skin surface.

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